My work

animal communication & animal-human relationship counseling

How can I help you and your animal?

Below are examples of the possibilities in my work as an animal communicator. Animal communication can help in many areas, including acute or chronic behavioral problems, pain, deepening the relationship between animals and humans, the loss of a human or animal friend and so many more.

Just think how often it is good for us to talk, be heard, and understood.

All personal appointments are currently taking place in Berlin. If you are not in Berlin, animal communication is also possible with a photo or we can arrange a later appointment in connection with one Trial seminar near them.

Are you looking for a valuable gift?


For optimal communication it is important for me that I know nothing or only the bare minimum about your animal friend in advance. This is the best way for me to receive his/her feelings and opinions and to pass them on to you.

I always ask him/her to tell me about his/her life so that you can recognize your animal friend in communication.


Would you like to find out how your animal friend is doing, emotionally and physically? Or whether your animal has wishes or wants to share needs with you? Maybe she/he needs something specific? Is there anything to share?
A valuable exchange that can change a lot.

living together

You have or are considering to have multiple animals and want to know if all of your roommates are happy with them. Do you feel like there are inconsistencies and would like to resolve them? Do they all go well together from the point of view of the animals?


Exercising can be fun, but it can also be difficult for you, the trainer, and your animal friend. Just like us humans, animals need to enjoy cooperation.
Would you like to find out what your animal friend needs in order to have fun learning?
I would be happy to find out for you.


Your animal friend just moved in or are you going to see a doctor? Maybe a moving is imminent? Or are you traveling and would like to have someone else look after your animal friend?
Animals are also happy to be involved in changes. In this way, surprises can be avoided and the new situation can be accepted better and more calmly.

body cognition

There are behavioral problems, but the vet couldn't find anything? Let's ask your animal friend! Animals know where in the body they have tension, blockages or disharmonies. I can understand whether the symptoms are really physical or emotional. Often I feel something in the animal's emotional area, which later shows up in the physical area.


Does the cat scratch the sofa? Does your dog pull on a leash? Does your animal eat the facility?
A lot of clarity can be achieved with the help of negotiations. Often misunderstandings are cleared out of the way and this leads to understanding and a better coexistence. A neutral mediator often helps miracles! I am very happy to help you!

trauma & stress

Some experiences and circumstances are very difficult to process, also for animals. They often suffer very much from it. Let's work out a possibility together and support your animal friend to find more ease in life.
As with us humans, an open conversation often helps and the animals can share what can help them.

help in age

As with humans, everything goes slower with animals as they get older. Movement looks more arduous, but does it affect her/his quality of life?
Let's ask your animal friend!
What does the animal need in particular? Is she/he in pain? What does She/he find easy to digest? Where does your animal friend need help? Does she/he has any wishes?

the last way

The last way is a completely natural process, every animal knows this and deals with it in its own way.
How would your animal friend want to spend her/his last moments?
Does she/he want help or should the last breath come naturally? Unfortunately, this process is very painful. I am happy to accompany you and your animal friend.

Procedure of my animal talks:

There is an option to speak to your animal on-site or, like a long-distance call, over a photo. In a long-distance communication distance doesn't matter at all, I've talked to some animals that live on other continents. I always ask them to tell me about their lives and to show their favorite places, so you as a pet holder can understand that I am in contact with the right animal.

Basically, all questions to any animal are possible, if the respective animal also wants to answer them.

First I always ask if the animal is interested in a conversation and if it is a good moment to talk to me.

Please consider in advance the questions that are on your mind for the animal talk. During the first communication, I would like to ask you not to formulate too many questions. (maximum 2-3 questions). I attach great importance to respectful dialogues with your animal friend, so I don't want to "peer" it directly with questions.

The length of the conversation and the choice of answering the topics is always up to the animal, I have no influence on this and respect the animal's decision.

In addition to your questions, I still ask the following questions:

1. How are you?

2. Would you like to share something?

3. Do you have wishes?

Concrete questions are important, because many animals only then comment on the questions. We can discuss your questions before the animal communication - you also have the option of sending me the questions in advance by email or telephone.

I point out that I communicate with animals according to the code of honor. Careful communication based on mutual respect is a matter of course for me. That's why I take a lot of time for each individual communication.

I am bound to secrecy and treat the content of animal communication with absolute confidentiality.

For successful communication, the animal and me need a low-interference setting. For example, it is difficult to communicate with a pony when there are children and visitors around, when it is hungry or when the animal that is having problems with it is in the same stable.

In general, the animals behave quite relaxed during communication. There is no typical behavioral trait. Sometimes the animals show a gesture of gratitude after the conversation.

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